Showing appreciation for those who came before us.
Lost Album 2
1960 David standing in front of the snowbanks by the house.
1960 David at the top of the hill between the snowbanks.
1948 Three family members sledding down the hill behind the house.
1954 Mary, David and Barbara.
1958 David with a giant watermelon.
1954 David on floor (?)
1958 Another storm rips tin off the shed roof.
1954 David on the kitchen floor.
1948 Christmas. Wayne, Jim, Joan, Ralph and Dan.
1937 Florence and Adam wedding reception.
1948 Jim and Ralph - Colorized First Communion.
1950 Ralph and Jim first Communion.
1950 Ralph and Jim First Communion.
1950 Ralph and Jim First Communion.
Barber shop remains after fire.
Unknown - Uncle Norm?
1938 Unknown couple with Ralph.
1960 David in old pumphouse.
1960 Danny throwing. Note 55 ford and wagon full of corn bundles.
1944 Unknown - Uncle Walt?
1958 David with puppies.
1960 Grandpa Steve shows Dave, Mary and Barb how to clean fish.
1960 Steve getting ready to go fish at Eureka
1960 Grandpa Steve shows off his collection.
1960 Steve cleans fish.
1960 Grandpa Steve shows Barb, Mary and David his collection of fishing poles.
1964 Dan's graduation
1964 Dan's graduation
1964 Dan's graduation
1960 Cattle out at the woods with a manger built from scale parts.
Barb during Joan's graduation
1958 Family Dog (Blackie?).
1941 Ralph and Jim at Christmas time.
1946? My guess is Joan, Wayne and Ralph.
1956 Dan on John Deere.
1960 61 years ago. David and Mary build a snowman in spring after a late snow. Actually, Dave built it, Mary showed up for the picture. I'm not bitter.
1960 David throws a ball around. Notice how high the driveway is in relation to the house.
1960 Dan with two doe's. It was legal back then!
1965 Leo's graduation outdoor commencement.
1965 Leo's graduation at Oshkosh.
1965 Leo's Graduation with Joan.
1965 Leo at his Graduation!
1959 Barbara's First Communion.
1960 David outside porch.
1960 David. Note how dirty the door and house wall is!
1958 David and Mary standing on porch steps.
1960. 4-H event? Standing l-r. Mary, David, Barb, Wayne, Dan, Joan? Leo and Jim.