1938 A copy of the invoice from Berlin Memorial Hospital covering the 10 day stay for Florence while she gave birth to Ralph. Total bill, $39.

1938 According to Doris, this is Marion and she is holding Ann on her left. It is likely Ralph on her right.

1945 About. Fascinating picture of Dan, Jim and Ralph with part of the old farmhouse. The clothes line post is in the far left, and there is woven wire behind the boys to keep perhaps chickens off the grass?

1946. By age, Ralph, Jim, Dan, Leo, Wayne and Joan in the wagon. Note the classic picture of Ralph, Jim and Dan on the bookcase taken about 3 years earlier.

1958 When snow was deep, Adam had to haul the milk out to the mailbox in the spreader. Here Adam is with Dan and Adam Doro.

1953 Watermelon time. Leo, Jim, Ralph, Norm T, Paul T, Dan, Wayne, Bob T, Barb, Mary, Betty T, Joan.

1952 Dad, Mary, Ralph, Jim, Dan, Bob T, Leo, Joan, Barb, Wayne.. Note there is no porch on the house.

1947. More Watermelon. Uncle Norm, Florence, Adam, Ralph, Bob T, Betty T, Norm T, Paul T, Jim, Wayne, Leo and Dan.

1953. Hospital invoice for the birth of David Sobieski. Total bill $71.50 for 4 days stay plus delivery.

1858 (about) Adam at Clark School, with Louie Miak (Carla's dad), Henry Schmidt, Mr. Novakowski, Mr. Bahr (Wayne's dad), Mr. Edinger (Laura's dad).

1954 July. L to R. Dan is holding Mary, Ralph is holding David, Leo is holding a bat and ball and Joan is on the far right.

1959. A rare photo of the family playing croquet. Jim, Joan, Leo, Dan, Wayne, Mary, David and Barbara.

1959 Back - Adam, Tom T, Norm T, Jim, Dan, Bob T, middle - Florence, Dorothy, Leo, Wayne, Front - David, Mary, Barbara, Joyce T.

1959. Joyce T First Communion. Nearly all cousins. Back to front. Leo, Paul T, Wayne, Ed Z, Betty T, Jim, Bob T, Steve Z, Jerome Z, Joan, Norm T, Joyce, David, Mary, Steve, Bob T, Barb, Tom Z. Missing. Dan and Ralph.

1962 June. Leo and Joan work on their routines. Note 54 Ford still in use, hay is being cut in the back field, chopper wagon ready to go, and it still looks like a manure pile in the barnyard. What's up with that?

1957 Ralph visits home from the Monastery. Wayne, Barb, Dan, Jim Mary, Dave, Leo, Joan, Uncle Bernard and Tom Zelinske.

1961 July. Adam, David, Mary and Barb out at the woods. Adam had built the rock ladder to get up and over the barbed wire.

1964 May. Florence, Steve, Adam and Bernard watch Steve try out his new walkie talkie for his 80th birthday.

1964 May. The Zelinske family celebrating Steve's 80th Birthday. Florence, Walt, Steve, Dorothy, Bernard, Jim.

1972. Our mailbox for years as it sat at the end of the driveway. The ice sculpture formed by melted snow off the metal. It broke off on it own just moments after this picture.

1974 Outside St. Mark's after Grandpa Steve's 90th Birthday Party. Steve, Florence, Walter, Dorothy, Bernard, and Jim.

in 1958, Adam and Florence bought an additional 40 acres. It included the woods, and the "far forty."